Southern Arizona rancher, law enforcement share border realities as crisis intensifies

 While there are plenty of disagreements on how to best handle the southern border crisis, it's clear that people on the ground are asking for more support. On the state government side, sheriffs have played an increased role in the consequences that come from having high levels of cartel activity and a surge of migrants coming across daily.

The impact on border communities, whether it's law enforcement or ranchers, continues to be jarring. 

John Ladd of Hereford, Arizona, led a tour near his property along the southern border on Saturday with some members of the Arizona State Senate Republican delegation, The Center Square reported. Part of the wall near his property has regularly been breached, which can be seen with date markings along the wall's slats. 

The rancher noted that his family used to occasionally assist migrants coming across years ago, but that is when border crossings were a much rarer occurrence and not in large numbers. The ranch has been in his family's possession for well over a century, and he said border mismanagement has drastically hurt the property's value since the 1980s.

"Send them back, deport 'em– You're here illegally. And she's funding them getting anywhere in the U.S. But the state has to have some responsibility and probably most of it is monetarily to support the counties that are gonna enforce the law and our sheriff's doing it," the rancher continued. 

The Center Square reported in October that Hobbs said busing is part of easing up the impact on border communities.

"As we're seeing increases in folks coming in the NGO network at their capacity, we're continuing to provide support and that includes busing," she said at the time. 

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